10 Remedies for Headaches in Shakopee MN!

headache in Shakopee MN

We all know of someone who suffers from headaches in Shakopee, MN. Below is a quick list of some different ideas that can greatly help to eliminate headaches, or things to try to reduce the frequency of headaches in Shakopee. If you have any questions, or if you would like to chat to see if Chiropractic care is a good option for you, give us a call at (952)456-6611.

  1. CHIROPRACTIC– Chiropractors perform adjustments to the upper back and neck to remove restrictions, and increase function of the spine. That along with muscle work to the neck and upper back can greatly reduce and eliminate headaches. Other therapies that your chiropractor may use along with adjustments could include cold laser therapy, ultrasound, electric muscles stim, active release technique, and decompression therapy.
  2. Drink Water– Dehydration is probably the most common cause of headaches. Thankfully drinking water can alleviate a headache within 30 minutes to 3 hours. Drinking water can be the easiest solution to headache, as well as feeling better throughout the day.
  3. Magnesium– Magnesium helps with functions throughout the body including nerve transmission in the brain, digestion, and blood sugar control. However, it has also been shown to be related to people who suffer with Migraines. So increasing Magnesium can help to reduced or eliminate headaches.
  4. Limit Alcohol– Alcohol consumption has shown to trigger migraines in 1/3 of people who suffer with headaches. It has also shown to increased tension and cluster headaches, so try and reduce intake.
  5. Adequate Sleep– This one goes without saying, lack of sleep or to much sleep has both been shown to have an impact of total health and sleep. Try and find that sweet spot between 7-9 hours.
  6. Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10– CoQ10 has been shown to work great for headaches. In a recent study it demonstrated that taking 100 mg of CoQ10 supplements per day reduced migraine frequency, severity and length.
  7. Relax with Yoga– Yoga is an excellent way to reduce stress, work on flexibility, increase range of motion, decrease pain and ultimately feel better. Studies have shown that those the practice yoga have decreased number, and intensity of headaches.
  8. Exercise– Probably the simplest lifestyle choice to make is get more active. Exercise is a great for stress, brain health, weight management, and overall well being. Just by simply adding more steps to our day we have seen that people decrease the number of headaches they normally get.
  9. Acupuncture– Acupuncture has been shown over and over again to reduce the frequency of headaches, duration, and severity of headaches.

If your suffer from headaches, or would just like more information about options to help treat and reduce the number of headaches in Shakopee, MN. Give us a call at (952)456-6611 or visit us at Brooks Chiropractic Website.

Reference: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/headache-remedies