Chiropractic for back pain in Shakopee

By Brooks Laber D.C. Have you been to urgent care, or the hospital for back pain? Maybe you have a friend who seems to frequent there due to his never ending back pain?  Back pain is one of the most

Cancer Prevention from your Shakopee Chiropractor!

By Brooks Laber D.C. CANCER, just the sound of the word brings chills down most people’s spine.  We all have loved ones that battle with cancer every day.  For those of us lucky enough not to have it yet it’s

Sciatica in Shakopee MN visit your local Chiropractor

By: Brooks Laber D.C. Do you suffer from low back pain, tingling or burning sensation down the leg, muscle weakness, occasional tingling in the toes? If so you may be suffering from a condition known as sciatica. So first off,

Chiropractic for treatment of chronic headaches in Shakopee

By: Brooks Laber D.C. Do you or someone in your family suffer from headaches?  If so, you are not alone.  It is estimated that 9 out of 10 Americans, and 4 of 5 children suffer from headaches at some point.

Decompression therapy at Brooks Chiropractic

By Brooks Laber D.C. Do you suffer from severe back pain, numbness into the arms and feet, sciatica, disc bulges, or spinal stenosis?  If so you are not alone, many people everyday battle through debilitating pain, numbness, and muscle weakness

Shakopee Chiro talks about maintenance care

By Brooks Laber D.C. Have you ever heard that once you go to a chiropractor, you have to go for life?  This is a tricky question, whether you choose to go more often or only when you hurt is completely up

Shakopee Chiro discusses supplement quality

By Brooks Laber D.C. Supplements are a big industry, and can be very controversial if you don’t know what your looking for.  Many of the supplements sold today have no quality guidelines, no regulations, and very little manufacturing guidance.  Dr.

Decompression/traction therapy at Shakopee Chiro

By Brooks Laber D.C. Are you suffering from back pain, sciatica, disc bulge, or numbness down the arms or legs?  Unfortunately in the sedentary world we live in today, you probably know someone who is suffering with one of the

Auto accident discussed by Shakopee Chiropractor

By Brooks Laber D.C. Auto Accident in Shakopee MN Whether a result of bad weather, vehicle malfunctions, or careless drivers, auto accidents total in the millions for Americans each year.  The severity of these accidents spans a wide range, but

Shakopee chiropractor discusses the importance of Bone Broth

Bone Broth for Flu and Cold Season! By: Brooks Laber D.C. If you aren’t already making bone broth regularly, I’d encourage you to start today! It is an incredibly healthy and very inexpensive addition to any diet and the homemade