Tennis elbow treatment in Shakopee, MN.

I bet you never thought about visiting a chiropractor in Shakopee for you chronic tennis elbow?  Truth is your local chiropractor can be one of the most cost efficient, and best choices to alleviate tennis elbow in shakopeetennis elbow pain and ultimately heal the area.

Let’s start with what is tennis elbow?  Most commonly tennis elbow is due to a repetitive and vigorous use of the forearm muscle, most notably the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle.   With continuous overuse the muscle is weakened, and develops microscopic tears in the tendon where it attaches to the lateral epicondyle.  This leads to pain, inflammation, and loss of strength.  Some of the most common professions that deal with tennis elbow in Shakopee include painters, electricians, carpenters, and mechanics due to repetition and lifting that the job requires.

Not that you have an idea what tennis elbow is, how can a chiropractor treat the area?  First off, reducing inflammation, and regaining proper motion in the elbow and wrist is crucial for tennis elbow.  At Brooks Chiropractic, we have a variety of options to reduce the pain and inflammation in the elbow, they include:  Cold Laser Therapy, Ultrasound, and electric muscle stim.  Along with reducing inflammation, we also focus on regaining proper muscle function, by working out adhesions and trigger points in the muscle.  The can include Active Release to the forearm, gentle adjustments to the wrist and elbow, as well as stretches to reduce muscle tightness.

Lastly, sometimes a brace can be used while working to help relieve symptoms of tennis elbow.  This can help to alleviate symptoms and pain by resting the muscles and tendons.

If you have been struggling with tennis elbow in Shakopee, give us a call at the office (952)456-6611 to discuss treatment options, and what we can do to help.  Or visit your website at